Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Proven Foods That Help Treat IBD Naturally

Ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chrons and hemorrhoids can all be grouped under inflammatory bowel disease.  Millions of people suffer from some form of inflammatory bowel disease and live their life in pure agony.

Constantly having to think about whether your IBS or ulcerative colitis will flare up is no way to live your life.  In fact, many will feel forced to avoid public gatherings due to the fear of having a flare up.

Inflammatory bowel disease does not have to rule your life however.  The majority of the time, this disease is a result of poor diet choices and an out of balanced lifestyle.

What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Inflammatory bowel disease is exactly how it sounds; the intestines have become inflamed and as result symptoms such as ulcerative colitis, IBS, chrons and hemorrhoids occur.

Symptoms will vary from individual to individual but the cause is all the same.  There are many reasons that the bowels will become inflamed.  The biggest culprit is excessive amounts of grains or sugars.

Research has shown that patients who follow a gluten free diet (a protein found in grains) have less flare ups and need less medication to control the disease.  Many also reported less fatigue and better energy levels when following a gluten free diet (1).

Best Diet for IBS and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

As mentioned before, diet plays an extremely important role when trying to treat inflammatory bowel disease.  The Weston A. Price foundation has great information on eating traditional foods which can drastically improve symptoms in those with IBD.

You can also grab this FREE book which lays out how to eat properly.  This book utilizes many of the traditional foods in which the Weston A. Price foundation recommends and is great for anyone looking to better their health.  It also demonstrates which foods to avoid that can be harmful to your overall health and to those with IBD.

For those looking to really educate themselves on how they should be eating to promote excellent health, the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston Price is a great read.  The book examines the diet of numerous tribes around the world who displayed both great physical and mental health.  These tribes were free of the degenerative diseases experienced by westerns such as IBD and were overall much healthier.

inflammatory bowel disease

Proven Foods that Help Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Once diet is cleaned up, the induction of key super foods is highly advisable for those suffering with IBD.  These super foods can help expedite the process of healing and are excellent for promoting long term health.


We have talked about the amazing health benefits of ghee before on this blog, but for those looking for relief from IBD, this food is perfect.

A study published in The World Journal of Gastroenterology reported that butyrate, an acid found abundantly in ghee, plays an important role in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis and overall health status.  It was shown that butyrate reduces inflammation in the intestinal tract and helps reduce symptoms in condition such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease (2).

Ghee is a simple addition to the diet that can have profound effects on those suffering with IBD.  However, it’s important to make sure that the ghee comes from cows that are grazing on green grass.

ANCIENT ORGANICS 100% Organic Ghee from Grass-fed Cows, 16oz


Also known as Indian Goosebery, Amla has much research behind it in regards to its ability to help reduce the symptoms in those with IBD.

This small berry has been used for centuries in Ayurveda and was often prescribed to those with digestive disorders.

A study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine revealed that amla showed protective properties against colitis in rats (3).

It has also shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, neutralizes free radicals and prevents oxidative damage to cells (4).

Terrasoul Superfoods Amla (Amalaki) Berry Powder (Organic), 12 Ounces


Not enough can be said about colostrum and it many healing properties towards the gut.  This super food is a must have for anyone suffering from any type of digestive issue.  It’s hands down one of the most powerful gut healing foods on the planet.

For those unaware, colostrum is the first milk produced by all mammals after giving birth.  We’ve gone in depth on the health benefits of colostrum before so be sure to read our post on this amazing super food.

A study published by the department of Internal Medicine and Institute of Gastroenterology showed that patients who were given bovine colostrum for 4 weeks experienced less symptoms related to IBS than those who did not take colostrum (5).

Furthermore, athletes given an oral supplementation of bovine colostrum showed decreases in intestinal permeability (6).

Colostrum comes in powdered form and is extremely easy to incorporate into the diet.  Simply mix with water or your favorite drink and you’re good to go!

Colostrum – LD Powder 16 oz with Proprietary Liposomal Delivery

Fermented foods

Fermented foods are an excellent food choice for those suffering from IBD.  However, when the digestive system is compromised, the histamine found in fermented foods may not be well tolerated.  If this is the case, we highly recommended a low histamine probiotic such as prescript assist.

The probiotics found in fermented foods are great for building up the gut microbiome and can be great for correcting digestive issues.

Research out of The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine found that the absence of fermented foods in the diet could be one of the primary causes of the large increase in IBD sufferers (7).

You can read more about the health benefits of fermented foods and how to make them in our previous post.