Colostrum : The Amazing Health Benefits of Taking This Food Daily

Colostrum is most likely one of the greatest super foods in world.  It’s the only food in the world that you can literally live off without running into nutritional deficiencies.  It’s the most complete food on the planet and contains every single vitamin and mineral needed to sustain life.

What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is simply the first milk that gets produced when the mother cow goes to feed her calf.   It contains every single antibody to whatever sickness or disease that cow has been exposed to in her life.

In fact, every single growth factor ever discovered can be found in colostrum.  These growth factors help format the body and initiate regeneration in the body.

Furthermore, Colostrum has been shown to be extremely beneficial at repopulating the gut with beneficial bacteria and aids the gut in regeneration.  Also, it helps heal any perforations in the intestinal tract and is excellent for those with leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome or any other gut issue.

Colostrum and the Immune System

As mentioned before, colostrum contains every single antibody to every disease that the cow has experienced in her life.

Just like cows, humans also produce colostrum which contains antibodies to various diseases.  This helps develop the babies immune system and protects if from future disease.  When humans and animals are not given colostrum upon birth, their immune system is weakened.

Unfortunately, many were not breast fed the way the creator intended.  As a result, many did not receive the antibodies from their mothers and now their immune system is not as strong as it should be.  Individuals who were not breast fed also did not get the beneficial bacteria found in mother’s milk.  This beneficial bacteria is the first thing the baby should receive and it helps populate the gut of the child.

Those who were not breastfed or those looking to bolster their immune system should seriously consider colostrum.  Colostrum can add in those missing elements that many missed out on at birth due to receiving a formula instead of mother’s milk.

Farmers understand that if the calves do not receive colostrum from their mother, they will be burden with sickness and disease throughout their lifetime.  Many will be forced to take antibiotics just to stay healthy.


Helps Regenerate the Microbiome

Nothing helps regenerate the gut faster than colostrum.  It contains all the necessary elements needed for a healthy gut and contains beneficial probiotics.

The probiotics found in it can help build and strengthen the integrity of the gut.  It’s estimated that over 80% of our immune system resides in our gut so making sure you have the right beneficial microbes is crucial (1).

In fact, research has shown that colostrum can restore a leaky gut lining to normal permeability levels, and reduce movement of toxins and gut microbes into the bloodstream.  Bovine colostrum can also restore the damage caused by anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to the gut lining (2).

Colostrum is essential for any wishing to improve their gut microbiome and restore the integrity of their gut lining.

Contains All the Essential Amino Acids

Unlike many foods which contain only some of the essential amino acids, colostrum contains all 20 essential amino acids required to sustain life.

It’s also a powerhouse of nutrition and contains high amounts of bio available forms of calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, b-vitamins and selenium.  Also, colostrum contains no anti nutrients making it highly bioavailable and nourishing to the human body.

It’s great for anyone looking to protect themselves from nutrient deficiencies and bolster their overall health.

Where to Buy Colostrum

There are a lot of colostrum products on the market to choose from.   Unfortunately, most are not going to give you the effect true colostrum would due to quality.   Sovereign Laboratories is a great colostrum product and contains the same healing properties that colostrum is revered for.   It’s in powdered form and goes great in smoothies and drinks.