Eczema, Gut Health and The Best Whole Foods to Help Improve Symptoms

Eczema is a serious problem that affects millions of people each year.  This embarrassing condition can cause severe insecurities in those who suffer from eczema.

In fact, many are forced to wear clothes that will cover their eczema rash in order to avoid any unwanted attention to their condition.

Luckily, eczema is not a life sentence and can be corrected with proper diet.  In fact, those who suffer from eczema typically have a gut dsybosis.  When the gut is permeable or inflamed, conditions such as atopic dermatitis and allergic eczema result.   Leaky gut and gut dsybosis are the main culprits when it comes to eczema symptoms.

Also, an out of balanced immune system (which often results from poor gut health) is also to blame for various skin conditions.

Researchers have found that the bacteria found within the gut are responsible for several autoimmune disorders (1).  Furthermore, it has been shown that the strength of an individual’s immune system is highly dependent on the health and integrity of the microbiome (2).

Luckily, once a proper traditional diet is put into place, the gut is healed and the immune system re-balanced, eczema can naturally disappear on its own.

Traditional Diets and Eczema

Weston A. Price, a dentist who studied various tribes around the world, found that these people were free from the degenerative disease experienced in the west.  Conditions such as eczema were unknown to these people.  Dr. Price observed that when these people followed a traditional diet their health remained robust and they were free from disease.  However, when they began to eat the foods of the west, they experienced the same health problems of modern society (3).

For those unaware of the Western A. Price foundation, we highly recommend you read over their thousands of articles on health and diet.  It’s an extremely valuable resource for those looking to improve their health and rid themselves of annoying conditions such as eczema.

Also, be sure to grab this FREE book which shows you how to eat properly and avoid inflammatory foods which can contribute to poor gut health and eczema.

The Best Foods to Treat Eczema Naturally

Once a proper diet is in place and all processed foods and sugar has been removed from the diet, these super foods below can drastically improve various skin conditions.

Cod Liver Oil and Eczema

Cod liver oil is an amazing super food that everyone should be using regardless of health status.  This oil has been used for centuries to treat various health aliments and it has an extremely long track record of being safe and effective.

Cod liver oil is full of the essential omega 3’s DHA and EPA which are crucial for combating various skin conditions.  It’s also a great source of highly bioavailable vitamin D which is also crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

A study showed that supplementing with DHA has a beneficial impact in patients with atopic eczema (4). Furthermore, researchers are beginning to find that vitamin D insufficiency can result in asthma, allergic disorders and atopic dermatitis (5).

Dropi Pure Icelandic Cod Liver Oil – Extra Virgin 220 ML

Amla Berry

Amla berry is excellent for correcting gut issues and increasing the immune system due to its high vitamin C content.  Ayurveda has been using amla berry for years in order to treat digestive disorders.

As mentioned before, correcting the integrity of the gut is mandatory if you wish to treat eczema naturally.

A study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine showed that amla possess both anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective properties (6).

Further research has shown that vitamin C (extremely high in amla) acts as a natural antihistamine and helps reduce the symptoms of eczema (7)

Always choose a whole food source such as amla for you vitamin c needs.  You can read more here why whole food vitamin c is better than synthetic versions.

Terrasoul Superfoods Amla (Amalaki) Berry Powder (Organic), 12 Ounces


Quite possibly one of the greatest foods for rebuilding and healing the gut, colostrum can be an excellent option for those dealing with dermatitis.

For those unaware, colostrum is the first milk produced by all mammals after birth.  This milk is full of beneficial immune modulating properties and powerful growth factors.

One study showed that supplementing with colostrum decreases intestinal permeability in top level athletes (8).

Furthermore, colostrum contains powerful antibodies and a wide range of antimicrobial factors that positively benefit the immune system (9).

These powerful immune enhancing properties found within colostrum can help prevent various skin conditions, as well as degenerative disease.

Colostrum-LD Powder 16oz with Proprietary Liposomal Delivery (LD) Technology for up to 1500% Better Bioavailability than Regular Bovine Colostrum


Ghee is an ancient Ayurveda super food with powerful gut healing properties.  In fact, it was used as longevity enhancing food for centuries among ancient Indian yogis.

Unlike butter, ghee does not contain the common allergens lactose and casein making it perfect for those who have a milk allergy. It contains two amazing nutrients, butyrate acid and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), which have been shown to have profound health benefits.

A study published in The World Journal of Gastroenterology found that butyrate improves inflammation and oxidative status in the intestinal tract (10).

Furthermore, Conjugated Linoleic Acid has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and reduce oxidative stress in the body (11).

ANCIENT ORGANICS 100% Organic Ghee from Grass-fed Cows, 32oz

Fermented Foods

Adding quality fermented products into the diet can drastically improve the gut microbiome, immune system and inflammatory skin conditions.

One study found that fermented dairy products, such as kefir, has booth immune and metabolic benefits.  It was shown that Kefir can improve intestinal health and has a positive effect on the immune system (12).

A study published in Clinical Nutrition Research found that kimchi, a Korean fermented cabbage, drastically improves the immune system in those who consume it (13).

Be sure to read our post here to learn more about fermented foods and how to start making your own at home today!


3. Price WA. Nutrition and physical degeneration: a comparision of primitive and modern diets and their effects. Oxford: Benediction Classics; 2010.