Brazil Nuts: The Top 5 Health Benefits of Eating Them Daily

Brazil nuts are a powerhouse of nutrition and one of the greatest super foods on the planet.  Native to the Amazon, this nut has been used extensively among local tribes for its highly nourishing properties.

In fact, many of these native tribes use brazil nuts as a staple in their diet.  When compared to any other nut on the planet, brazil nuts contain the most vitamins and minerals required for good health.

The versatility of these nuts makes them perfect for on the go, as a quick snack or an addition to your favorite super food smoothie.   They go excellent with cacao and many delicious recipes can be made with the two by pairing them together.

Below are the top 5 health benefits of consuming Brazil Nuts daily

1. Brazil Nuts Improve Thyroid Function

Brazil nuts are loaded full of the important mineral selenium.  In fact, they are the highest source of natural selenium in the world! This mineral is crucial for proper thyroid function.  Those low in selenium are at risk for developing a thyroid disorder such as hyperthyroid or hypothyroid.  In fact, selenium is necessary in order to produce the necessary thyroid hormones (1).

One study found that through supplementation of Brazil Nuts, hemodialysis patients showed significant improvement in thyroid hormone levels (2).  Furthermore, selenium has been shown to help protect the thyroid from antibodies which create thyroid disorders (3).

brazil nuts

2. Helps Fight Inflammation

Brazil Nuts contain a very special phenol antioxidant called Ellagic Acid.  This powerful antioxidant is only found in select foods and is extremely beneficial for the human body.  One study revealed that Ellagic Acid induces anti-inflammatory actions in the body and acts as a neuroprotective agent for the brain (4).

Selenium, which is extremely high in brazil nuts, also has anti-inflammatory properties.  In fact, brazil nuts given to healthy volunteers lead to long-term decrease in inflammatory markers (5).

3. Potent Mood Booster

Since Brazil Nuts are high in important vitamins and minerals, it naturally lifts overall mood.  However, selenium, an abundant mineral in Brazil Nuts, has been scientifically proven to lift mood and prevent depression.  A study involving a sample of the British population examined the impact selenium has on overall mood.   After 5 weeks of selenium supplementation researchers found that anxiety, tiredness, anxiety and depression all decreased in the patients following the 5 week selenium therapy (6).

4. Helps Fight Disease

Selenium is an extremely important mineral when it comes to disease prevention, especially cancer.  A study conducted at Cornell University revealed that by supplementing with 200 mcg of selenium daily there were 63% fewer prostate tumors, 58% fewer colorectal cancers, 46% fewer lung malignancies and 39% decrease in cancer deaths (7)

brazil nuts

5. Improves Sperm Production and Motility

Brazil nuts have been used for centuries by Native Americans in order to aid in fertility.  In fact, Selenium deficiency is thought to be a major component when it comes to infertility.  A study showed that selenium supplementation in subfertile men with low selenium status can improve sperm motility and the chance of a successful conception (8).

Where to Buy Brazil Nuts

Whenever choosing a brazil nut to purchase, it’s important to get one that is “raw” and not heated.  This will ensure that no nutrients found in the nut are lost to heat.  Also, always choose organic in order to avoid pesticides and other harmful chemicals.  We personally like Food To Live Organic Raw Nuts.


7. The healing power of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Readers Digest Association, 2002