The Top 5 Best Natural Supplements for Anxiety and Depression

Millions of Americans are currently suffering from crippling anxiety and depression that is affecting their quality of life tremendously.  Friends and family typically do not understand the pain and suffering involved in mental disorders because the individual usually appears fine.

The use of pharmaceutical anti-depressant drugs has skyrocketed among the United States population.   In fact, the rate of antidepressant use in the United States among all ages increased nearly 400% between 2005 and 2008 (1).

Many will overlook these stats and turn a blind eye to the depression and anxiety epidemic plaguing America.

How Diet Influences Anxiety and Depression

It’s almost unbelievable that society as a whole has not yet made the connection that the foods in which we eat affect us both physically and emotionally.

There is ongoing research the majority of those suffering from anxiety and depression typically has a gut imbalance.  In fact, scientists have begun to call the gut the “second brain” because it’s highly influential in the way in which we think and feel. It looks like those “gut feelings” may hold some truth after all.

Research published in Clinic and Practice conducted a 30-day study with volunteers who had no previous depressive symptoms.  They were then given either probiotics or anti-depressants.  The group receiving probiotics showed reduced cortisol levels and improved self-reported psychological effects similar to those taking anti-depressants. It was concluded that probiotic therapy reduced depressive symptoms and improved the HPA-axis function in the body (2).

Many of the foods in which we eat cause severe inflammation in the gut and this can translate to unwanted anxiety and depression.  Also, overuse of antibiotics can destroy the good gut flora allowing the bad bacteria to grow and proliferate.

In fact, when bad bacteria and yeasts such as candida have taken control of the gut microbiome, we can become deficient in several micro nutrients which can cause or impair the recovery from mental illnesses (3).

Excessive amounts sugar and carbohydrate foods without enough animal protein and fat is the biggest reason for a candida overgrowth.  Sadly, millions are prescribed medication which does not fix the problem and sometimes even cause more problems in the future.

Following a Traditional Diet for Anxiety Relief

Traditional diets as the ones Dr. Weston A. Price observed being consumed by native peoples can act as a natural treatment for anxiety.  For those unaware, Dr. Price was a dentist who studied various tribes around the world.  He found that these people were free from degenerative disease, happy, and robust.   However, when these people began to consume the food of the west, they experienced the same degenerative disease as the rest of the population (4).


If you’re truly looking for a possible natural cure for anxiety, we highly recommend the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price.  This book is a gold mine for anyone looking to clean up their diets and improve their health both mentally and physically.

Also, be sure to grab this FREE copy of the fat burning kitchen which shows you how to make healthy meals, avoid inflammatory foods which can damage the gut, and lose weight in the process.

Natural Supplements for Anxiety and Depression

Once a proper diet is put into place, such as The GAPS diet, natural whole food supplements can be included into the diet that can help treat anxiety and depression holistically.

1. Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is the quickest and most effective way to get raw animal nutrients into the body that are missing in the majority of the population.  There’s a reasons tribes all around the world view the liver as “sacred.” In fact, after a kill, tribe members will eat the liver (usually raw) knowing that it’s the most nourishing part on the whole animal.

The nutrients found in animal liver can help combat against anxiety and depression. In fact, cod liver oil is a rich source of omega 3’s DHA and EPA, vitamin D, and vitamin k2.

Research published in Lipids and Health and Disease found that omega 3 fatty acid deficiency plays a role in those with depression (5).

Furthermore, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to both anxiety and depression and increasing intake of vitamin D can help alleviate symptoms (6).

Interestingly, vitamin k2, which is only found in select animal foods such as cod liver oil, has been shown to improve anxiety and depression (7).

Dropi Pure Icelandic Cod Liver Oil – Extra Virgin 220 ML


2. Ghee

Ghee has been utilized in Ayurveda for centuries.  Unlike butter which contains both lactose and casein, ghee does not contain these two common allergens.

Research has shown that Ghee is extremely beneficial for those dealing with irritable bowel syndrome and can help improve the integrity of the gut (8).

Furthermore, ghee contains a special compound called Butyrate acid which has shown to have profound health benefits on the gut.  Studies show that Butyrate acid can help treat those suffering from digestive disorders such as Crohn’s, IBS and ulcerative colitis (9).

Evidence shows that the more permeable the gut is the more likely individuals will suffer from depression, anxiety and cravings for alcohol (10).

ANCIENT ORGANICS 100% Organic Ghee from Grass-fed Cows


3. Fermented Foods

If you’re suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression, fermented foods could assist you in becoming well.  It’s been estimated that a tablespoon of homemade raw sauerkraut contains 6 billion live microorganisms which all can have a profound effect on healing the gut.

A study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that fermented foods benefited the gut microbiome immensely and can offer protection against mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression (11).

You can read more about fermented foods and how to start making them at home HERE.

4. Reishi Mushroom

Possibly one the greatest medicinal mushrooms on the planet, reishi mushroom can be used as a natural remedy for anxiety.  Besides being a potent immune modulator and a defender against various diseases, reishi mushroom is a powerful stress reducing adaptogen.

Researchers have found that patients who take a reishi mushroom extract daily show significant improvements in in physical wellbeing and fatigue and reduced levels of anxiety and depression.  All patients also reported to have a better overall quality of life (12).

Reishi is also capable of inhibiting the formation of candida biofilms and has shown to have potent anti-candida fighting properties (13).

As mentioned before, candida and other pathogenic yeasts can contribute, and can even be the cause of anxiety and depression.

Host Defense – Reishi Capsules, Mushroom Support


5. Colostrum

Bovine colostrum is a powerhouse of nutrition that shouldn’t be overlooked by anyone searching for natural anxiety relief.   Colostrum has the unique ability of rebuilding the gut flora and eliminating pathogenic bacteria.

For those unaware, colostrum is the first milk produced by all mammals after birth.  It contains numerous growth factors, as well as immune modulating properties (14)(15).

Bovine colostrum can also decrease the permeability of the digestive tract (16).

Colostrum may be one of best natural supplements for anxiety and depression due to its ability to influence positive changes within the microbiome.

Colostrum-LD Powder 16oz with Proprietary Liposomal Delivery


4. Price WA. Nutrition and physical degeneration: a comparision of primitive and modern diets and their effects. Oxford: Benediction Classics; 2010.