The Best Foods for Weight Loss That Actually Work – How to Burn Fat

If you’re looking for the quickest way to lose weight, you need to know about the absolute best foods for weight loss.  Unfortunately, many are confused about what to eat to lose weight because of all the contradictory information in the weight loss industry.

Luckily, we have compiled a list of the best foods for weight loss that are backed by science.  These superfoods have a proven track record of burning fat naturally and have been used safely for thousands of centuries.   So stop listening to the same websites giving out all the same information on the best foods for weight loss.  Below is the best and most researched list of fat burring foods.

How to Burn Fat without Starving Yourself

It’s important that you follow a healthy weight loss diet to expedite your weight loss goals.  However, many are following extreme weight loss tips and diets that are actually harmful to the body long term.  When extreme low calorie diets are followed long term, the body naturally stops burning fat and weight loss comes to a halt.

This is because low calorie diets are stressful for the body since it’s not getting the required nutrition it needs to perform daily tasks.  Consequently, the body will begin to down regulate the metabolism in order to compensate for the starvation.  In fact, low calorie diets can actually damage the thyroid due to lack of essential vitamins and minerals.

For those interested in losing weight, burning fat, and gaining muscle all while eating delicious foods, grab this free copy of the fat burning kitchen.  Following the dietary guidelines outlined in the fat burning kitchen and incorporating the superfoods below into the diet is the quickest way to lose weight without starving yourself.

Cod Liver Oil – Loose Belly Fat

Raw extra virgin cod liver oil is a powerhouse of nutrition and contains many essential vitamins minerals needed for weight loss.  Taking a cod liver oil supplement daily in combination with proper diet is one of the best ways to lose weight.

Cod liver oil contains vitamin D, vitamin A, Vitamin K2, Omega 3’s DHA and EPA, and several trace minerals that can help aid in healthy weight loss.

Research has shown that vitamin D levels are lower in obese individuals than compared to their non-obese counterparts (1).

Furthermore, research published in Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease showed that vitamin D supplementation has a positive effect on muscle strength and physical performance (2).

Vitamin K2, which can be found abundantly in cod liver oil, has shown promising results in its ability to burn stubborn belly fat.  It’s been shown that vitamin K2 supplementation helps burn stubborn belly fat in those who may be overweight (3).

Lastly, omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA can decrease body weight in overweight/obese adults and improve the waist to hip ratio (4).

Cod Liver oil literally has ever nutrient needed for healthy weight loss and can aid you on your fat loss journey.  It’s also a whole food and is completely bioavailable to the human body unlike many dangerous synthetic vitamin supplements on the market.

Dropi Pure Icelandic Cod Liver Oil – Extra Virgin 220 ML


Ghee – Fast Weight Loss

If you’re looking for ways on how to burn fat, ghee should be at the top of your list.  This amazing superfood has been used for centuries by ancient yogis of India and plays an important role in the Ayurveda system of healing.

Ghee contains high amounts of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that are all required in order to loose belly fat.  In particular, ghee contains a very useful fat burning substance called Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).

Research indicates that patients who supplement with CLA experience rapid fat loss and a reduction in weight (5).

Ghee also contains a special short chain fatty acid called Butyric Acid. Those who struggle to lose weight and gain weight easy often have some form of insulin resistance.  Butyric acid has been shown to prevent and treat diet-induced insulin resistance and increase metabolic function (6).

Ghee goes great in many health recipes for weight loss and has an extremely high smoke point making it perfect for cooking and sautéing.

ANCIENT ORGANICS 100% Organic Ghee from Grass-fed Cows


Bovine Colostrum – Improve Gut Health

Colostrum may be one of the best foods for weight loss and correcting the microbiome.  For those unaware, colostrum is the first milk produced by all mammals following birth.  It contains every anti-body to every disease the mother was exposed to and it contains powerful immune modulating properties.  It’s also full of essential growth factors that can complement a healthy weight loss diet.

With that being said, many struggle to lose weight because of a dysfunctional gut microbiome.  When gut health is comprised, losing weight can become an impossible task.  This is because the gut is unable to absorb and make use of the many of the vitamins and minerals from the food in which you eat.

Consequently, this puts tremendous stress on the body and can cause unwanted symptoms such as weight gain.  However, once the gut microbiome is corrected, weight loss becomes much more effortless.

Still unsure if the health and integrity of your gut really plays a role in your ability to lose belly fat?

A recent study found that rodents who had the composition of their gut microbiota altered, showed increases in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic disease (7).

Luckily, as mentioned before, colostrum can help correct the gut by reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria and making it less permeable (leaky gut).

Research shows that those who supplemented with bovine colostrum experienced a decrease in intestinal permeability (8).

Due to the immunoglobulins present in colostrum, it’s also extremely effective at combating gut pathogens such as H.pylori, E.coli, parasites, and amoebas (9).

Bovine colostrum should seriously be considered by anyone looking for ways on how to lose weight and correct their gut microbiome once and for all.

Colostrum-LD Powder 16oz with Proprietary Liposomal Delivery


Bee Pollen

Bee pollen doesn’t get enough praise for its ability to fight infection and promote healthy weight loss in the body.  It’s one of the best foods for weight loss due to its high mineral, vitamin, and amino acid content.  It contains almost every single nutrient needed in order to sustain life and keeps the body satiated.

Research published in Evidence-Based complementary and Alternative Medicine showed that bee pollen contains anti fungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties (10).

Those struggling to lose weight due to a gut dysbiosis can benefit tremendously by supplementing with bee pollen daily.

Furthermore, bee pollen is extremely high in B-vitamins which are mandatory for fat burning and healthy weight loss (11).



Manuka Honey

Raw Manuka honey is a special honey produced by worker bees pollinating the Manuka bush of New Zealand.  The research surrounding Manuka honey and its many health benefits are very well documented.

It’s prized for its antimicrobial properties and its ability to prevent and combat pathogenic yeasts in the gut such as candida (12).

However, Manuka honey can also help those who are looking for ways on how to lose weight.  Raw honeys, such as Manuka, have been shown to be able to reduce glucose intolerance in obese or overweight individuals (13).  This leads to better metabolic function and an enhanced ability to effectively burn fat and loose weight.

Just like bee pollen, Manuka honey is also full of a wide array of vitamin, minerals, and amino acids that can help build the body and make you stay fuller longer.

Kiva Certified UMF 20+ – Raw Manuka Honey