Goji Berry: The Super Food That Provides Longevity And Happiness

Goji Berry – you may have heard of this widely regarded ‘superfood’ for its amazing qualities. However, are they really that good? Let’s find out.

How does Goji Berry taste?

Goji Berries can be described as sweet, but with a slight sour aftertaste. Typically, Goji Berries are often purchased in dried form, like raisins.

How Can Goji Berries Help You?

goji berryIn ancient China, it was considered to be a medicinal food.

  • Is great when it comes to treating liver, eye and kidney conditions.
  • They are a good source of Vitamin A and C.
  • Offers a good source of fiber, and Iron
  • Full of the antioxidants you need.
  • Contains all the eight essential amino acids.
  • A single 4-ounce serving gives you almost 10 percent of your daily requirement of protein. For something that is not meat, it has a lot of protein!

The Limitations of taking Goji Berries

However, you should avoid Goji berries if you:

  • Have low blood sugar or high blood pressure.
  • Are breastfeeding or pregnant.
  • Are using blood thinners such as warfarin.
  • Are allergic to the fruit.

How are Goji berries helpful in the long run?

goji berryYou get as much as 340% more of vitamin A from just one fourth cup of the berries. In fact, it is so rich in beta-carotene that it puts carrots, sweet potatoes, and other root vegetables to shame

It’s advised to take around two tablespoons a day of goji berries.  Traditionally, it was consumed in hot tea as it was believed to be better absorbed when prepared in this manner.

Can Help You In Your Weight Loss Journey

There’s another factor that contributes to its effectiveness, and that is it can aid in weight loss. In small servings, Goji Berries are immensely healthy. It has a high flavor content, and its sweet and rich taste makes it nice and palatable. Unlike other dried fruits which have high sugar content, Goji berries are a low calorie and low sugar option. A one ounce serving of Goji berries has only 23 calories.

==> Get Organic Raw Berries Here

Helps Protect Against UV Radiation

According to a study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, Goji Berries helped protect mice against sun damage.  The researchers concluded that there are various components found in Goji Berries that promote photo immunity (1).

Keeps blood sugar in check

Goji berries, because of their low sugar content, can not only help maintain blood sugar but can also potentially lower it. They improve sugar tolerance and alleviate insulin resistance. They also improve and recover the cells that produce insulin.

Provides the Antioxidants You Need

Goji berries have a high content of antioxidants which are beneficial for the eyes and skin.

Zeaxanthin, present in large quantities, gives the berries their saffron color. Antioxidants help us by preventing breaking down of cells that are exposed to harmful smoke and radiation. The berries also do not contain any unhealthy fats and has high levels of fiber in it.

Aids in Male Fertility

Goji berries can also contribute to sexual fertility. A study conducted with rats has shown that they:

  • Can increase sperm quantity and sperm movement
  • Shortened erection, capture, and ejaculation response
  • Improved overall sexual ability (2)

In fact, research indicates that it can be a healthy alternative to Viagra for people struggling with Erectile Dysfunction