Ghee: 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Consuming This Ancient Yogi Food

Ghee is an ancient Indian super food.  This food is famous for its usage in Ayurveda and ancient yogi’s used this food extensively for its many healing qualities.  It is without question one of the most beneficial and nourishing foods on the planet!

Also, unlike butter (which contains both casein and lactose); Ghee is the purified form off butter and contains neither of these common allergens.  For this reason, it makes a great option for those with casein and lactose allergies who wish to add dairy into their diet. Below are the top 5 benefits of Ghee

1. Ghee contains vitamin K2

Ghee is an excellent source of the vitamin K2.  More and more research is being put forth of the importance of this animal based vitamin.  Vitamin K2 is responsible for driving calcium into the bones where it belongs.  When K2 levels are low in the body, calcium begins to accumulate in the body and the body begins to calcify.  Arthritis and pain is a sign that the body is not displacing calcium correctly and that more Vitamin K2 is needed.

Very few foods contain this essential vitamin.  Traditionally, this food was obtained from consuming liver. Uncontacted tribes that have not been domesticated prize the liver as the most nutritious part of the animal and is often reserved for the hunters.  However, Ghee also contains an abundance of vitamin K2, and for most is a bit easier to consume than liver.

2. Helps Reduce Inflammation

Due to its ability to displace calcium into the bones, Ghee is naturally great at reducing inflammation.  However, it also contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).  Studies have shown that CLA is effective at reducing inflammation in the body (1).  It also contains Butyric Acid which has also been shown in studies to help alleviate inflammatory conditions such as irritable bowl syndrome (2).

3. Potent Fat Burner

As mentioned before, Ghee contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).  A study revealed that consumption of CLA rich foods brought on a loss in body fat in test subjects (3). In fact, many fat burning supplements contain CLA just for this reason.  However, these supplements are typically synthetic and dangerous for the human body.  Ghee is a whole food that naturally contains CLA and is proven to be safe for long term use for thousands of years.

4. Contains Vitamin D and Cholesterol

Despite popular belief, Cholesterol is needed in the body for many important functions.  One of the many functions cholesterol has in the body is to synthesize vitamin D.  When we are low on cholesterol we are unable to create vitamin D no matter how much sun you may get.  Luckily, ghee contains both vitamin D and cholesterol in a perfect balance.  Vitamin D is necessary for the production of many hormones and is a key component in ensuring calcium does not build up in the body and form calcification.  Cholesterol, vitamin D and vitamin K2 all work synergistically together to keep the body healthy.

5. Protects Against Free Radicals

Ghee naturally contains the antioxidants which help protect the body against free radical damage.  Vitamin A, conjugated linoleic acid and butyric acid all have profound antioxidant properties within the body and help protect the body from disease (4).

Where to Buy Ghee

It’s mandatory that you always choose a ghee that comes from cows that are fed grass, free to roam pasture and organic.  Ghee will only be as good as the diet in which the animals are eating.  We personally like Ancient Organic Eat Good Fat. It comes from grass fed cows that are free to roam green pasture.