The Many Benefits Of Cod Liver Oil – An Ancient Viking Super Food
Cod liver oil has a long history of both replenishing and restoring the body from various diseases. This liquid gold substance was thought to first be discovered by early Vikings who used it extensively during the cold months. Although early Vikings probably didn’t understand why cod liver oil was so healing towards the body, modern research has revealed what makes this oil so powerful.
Natural Source of Vitamin D
Despite what you may hear from various health gurus, the sun is not always enough to obtain your Vitamin D. Those who live further away from the equator lack adequate sun exposure during the colder months. Early Native Americans who lived in these colder environments understood the importance of eating liver. In fact, it was the first thing the hunters would eat after a kill.
Research has revealed that animal liver, especially cod liver oil, is extremely high in Vitamin D. The Vitamin D found in cod liver oil is in an extremely bio available form (1). For this reason, Cod Liver Oil is excellent at restoring deficient Vitamin D levels and promoting health.
Contains the Necessary Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a necessary nutrient required by the human body. Its role in the human body is to help maintain and repair teeth, bones, soft tissues, eyes, and skin. Despite popular belief, Vitamin A is not found in plant foods. The body must first convert the beta-carotene found in plants into Vitamin A. This conversion has been shown to be extremely inefficient. Studies show that healthy adults can only convert about 5% of the beta-carotene into Vitamin A.
Since Cod Liver Oil comes from an animal and not a plant, it contains natural Vitamin A that the body does not have to convert. There are several testimonials of Cod Liver Oil reversing cavities, improving eye sight and strengthen bones.
An Excellent Source of Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 is a fairly new vitamin that researchers have just discovered. However, its role in the human body is profound. Dr. Weston Price, a dentist who studied various un-contacted tribes in order to learn more about why they remained so healthy, wrote about a Vitamin he named ” X-factor.” He accredited this X-factor vitamin to keeping the tribes people strong, cavity free and free from degenerative disease.
Many researchers believe this “X-factor” was actually vitamin K2. This Vitamin is only found in select foods and in very small amounts. However, Cod Liver Oil contains the most Vitamin K2 out of any food and is in a completely bio available form. It should be noted that plants do not contain Vitamin K2, they contain K1 which does not have the same effects as K2. Natto, a fermented soy bean product, is the only plant product that has been shown to contain small amounts of K2
Those with calcification issues such as arthritis can benefit tremendously from Vitamin K2. This is because Vitamin K2 directs calcium into the bones where it belongs. When the body does not have enough K2 to direct the calcium, the calcium begins to build up and creates deposits throughout the body. These calcium deposits are what cause arthritis and pain. If there is enough K2 in the body, these calcium deposits do not occur because the K2 directs the calcium into the bones.
Where to Get a Quality Cod Liver Oil Supplement?
If you’re interested in buying a high quality Cod Liver Oil Supplement, We suggest this product here, as it’s the best one we have found on the market. It contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that traditional Cod Liver Oil contained and it is completely raw so no nutrients are lost to heat.
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